Emerald City Tower



Since the fall of 2006, Spencer Alpert has focused considerable effort on locating an appropriate site for a world-class mixed use hotel/residential/office tower to serve the highest end of the vibrant Seattle market. As the 2008 recession began fading into the rear-view mirror, and Seattle emerged as a tech-and-aerospace driven boomtown, Ceradimm began the process of reviving Mr. Alpert’s plans for the 82-story Emerald City Tower he had planned for Seattle’s emerging Midtown District with the Trump Organization. Working diligently with representatives of top environmental groups, “green” contractors, governmental entities and community booster organizations, Mr. Alpert had taken the initiative, along with world renowned Callison architects and internationally recognized private club operator ClubCorp in designing a top quality, sustainable building with input on the “front end” from this well-organized blue ribbon group of community leaders. Dubbed the “Green Team”, this group, while operating organically, had as its goal the ability to marry state-of-the-art energy efficiency, water conservation and other environmentally friendly features with the economic feasibility necessary to finance and construct an iconic office and residential tower in downtown Seattle.

Now revived by Ceradimm, it is hoped this project – well beyond the current LEED Gold standard – will serve as a beacon for future sustainable development in Seattle and worldwide.

In October, 2015, Ceradimm, in a highly publicized news article, announced its intention to proceed in developing the iconic Emerald City Tower at a prime Midtown Seattle location along with its well-funded partners.